satyajit's books

All books Public 1,573 books (showing 91-105)

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Ali Hazelwood: Love on the Brain (Paperback, 2022, Berkley)Love on the Brain
Blake Crouch: Upgrade (2022)Upgrade
Daniel Warren Johnson: Wonder Woman (GraphicNovel, espaƱol language, 2020, DC Comics)Wonder Woman
Gwendy's Magic Feather (Hardcover, 2019, Cemetery Dance Publications)Gwendy's Magic Feather
Grady Hendrix: The Southern Book Clubs Guide to Slaying Vampires (AudiobookFormat, 2020, Blackstone Publishing)The Southern Book Clubs Guide to Slaying Vampires
Stephen King: Gwendy's button box (2017)Gwendy's button box
Samit Basu: The City Inside (Hardcover, 2022, Tordotcom)The City Inside
Stephen King, King, Stephen: Duma Key (Hardcover, 2008, Scribner)Duma Key,
Ben Mezrich: Midnight Ride (2022, Grand Central Publishing)Midnight Ride
Jason Aaron: Doctor Strange Vol. 1 (Hardcover, 2017, Marvel)Doctor Strange Vol. 1
Josy Joseph: A Feast of Vultures (Hardcover, 2016, HarperCollins India)A Feast of Vultures
Seth Dickinson: The Traitor Baru Cormorant (2015)The Traitor Baru Cormorant
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G. Savile: Fourteen Papers. Viz. I. A Letter from a Gentleman in Ireland, to his Friend in London, upon occasion of a Pamphlet, Entitled, A Vindication of the present Go- vernment of Ireland, under his Excellency Richard Earl of Tyrconnel. II. A Letter from a Freeholder, to the rest of the Freeholders of Eng- land, and all Others, who have Votes in the Choice of Parliament- Men. III. An Enquiry into the Reasons for Abrogating the Test imposed on all Members of Parliament. Offered by Sa. Oxon. IV. Reflections on a Late Pamphlet, Entituled, Parliamentum Pacifi- cum. Licensed by the Earl of Sunderland, and Printed at London in March,1688. V. A Letter to a Dissenter, upon occasion of His Majesties late Graci- ous Declaration of Indulgence. VI. The Anatomy of an Equivalent. VII. A Letter from a Clergy-man in the City, to his Friend in the Country, Containing his Reasons for not reading the Declaration. VIII. An Answer to the City Minister's Letter, from his Country Friend. IX. A Letter to a Dissenter from his Friend at the Hague, concerning the Penal Laws, and the Test; shewing that the Popular Plea for Li- berty of Conscience is not concerned in that Question. X. A Plain Account of the Persecution laid to the Charge of the Church of England. XI. Abby and other Church-Lands, not yet assured to such Possessors as are Roman Catholicks; Dedicated to the Nobility and Gentry of that Religion. XII. The King's Power in Ecclesiastical Matters truly stated. XIII. A Letter of several French Ministers fled into Germany upon the Account of the Persecution in France, to such of their Brethren in Eng- land as approved the Kings Declaration touching Liberty of Conscience. Translated from the Original in French. XIV. Popish Treaties not to be rely'd on (1689, Printed and are to be Sold by Richard Baldwin')

Fourteen Papers. Viz. I. A Letter from a Gentleman in Ireland, to his Friend in London, upon occasion of a Pamphlet, Entitled, A Vindication of the present Go- vernment of Ireland, under his Excellency Richard Earl of Tyrconnel. II. A Letter from a Freeholder, to the rest of the Freeholders of Eng- land, and all Others, who have Votes in the Choice of Parliament- Men. III. An Enquiry into the Reasons for Abrogating the Test imposed on all Members of Parliament. Offered by Sa. Oxon. IV. Reflections on a Late Pamphlet, Entituled, Parliamentum Pacifi- cum. Licensed by the Earl of Sunderland, and Printed at London in March,1688. V. A Letter to a Dissenter, upon occasion of His Majesties late Graci- ous Declaration of Indulgence. VI. The Anatomy of an Equivalent. VII. A Letter from a Clergy-man in the City, to his Friend in the Country, Containing his Reasons for not reading the Declaration. VIII. An Answer to the City Minister's Letter, from his Country Friend. IX. A Letter to a Dissenter from his Friend at the Hague, concerning the Penal Laws, and the Test; shewing that the Popular Plea for Li- berty of Conscience is not concerned in that Question. X. A Plain Account of the Persecution laid to the Charge of the Church of England. XI. Abby and other Church-Lands, not yet assured to such Possessors as are Roman Catholicks; Dedicated to the Nobility and Gentry of that Religion. XII. The King's Power in Ecclesiastical Matters truly stated. XIII. A Letter of several French Ministers fled into Germany upon the Account of the Persecution in France, to such of their Brethren in Eng- land as approved the Kings Declaration touching Liberty of Conscience. Translated from the Original in French. XIV. Popish Treaties not to be rely'd on
Scott Hawkins: The Library at Mount Char (2015, Crown)The Library at Mount Char
John Scalzi: The Kaiju Preservation Society (Hardcover, 2022, Tor Books)The Kaiju Preservation Society