Marco H wants to read Autobiography of My Mother by Jamaica Kincaid

Autobiography of My Mother by Jamaica Kincaid
The West Indian narrator vents her bitterness at the unhappy life fate dealt her--mother died in childbirth, father ignored her, …
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33% complete! Marco H has read 4 of 12 books.
The West Indian narrator vents her bitterness at the unhappy life fate dealt her--mother died in childbirth, father ignored her, …
"The Queer Art of Failure is about finding alternatives—to conventional understandings of success in a heteronormative, capitalist society; to academic …
Fried Green Tomatoes at the Whistle Stop Cafe is a 1987 novel by Fannie Flagg. It weaves together the past …
Esta es una historia de desviados: del marica, de la lesbiana, del sodomita, del invertido, del travesti, del hermafrodita…; aquellos …
¿Es tan claro e irrefutable como parece el concepto de «consentimiento»? Este libro explora sus matices y contradicciones.
El consentimiento …
An unsparing investigation into Spotify’s origins and influence on music, weaving unprecedented reporting with incisive cultural criticism, illuminating how streaming …
After her husband's death, Bernarda Alba forces her five daughters into eight years of strict mourning. The appearance of Pepe …
«Yo controlo», nos dice la ficción de autonomía por excelencia. La masculinidad no es un problema de los hombres, sino …
Creo que si todos los hombres nos leyéramos este libro (tú también papá) cambiarían por lo menos un par de cosas.
Ya fuera coñas, otro libro que he subrayado a más no poder y que me ha revoloteado el cerebro para bien.
Alice Gould es ingresada en un sanatorio mental. En su delirio, cree ser una investigadora privada a cargo de un …
Guthrie P. Ramsey: Race music (2004, Calif., University of California Press)
Homo Ludens is a book originally published in Dutch in 1938 by Dutch historian and cultural theorist Johan Huizinga. It …