Prescient. Hard to put it another way. Published in 2019, and not extrapolating that far, Radicalized hits hard. Even though the novellas each end somewhat optimistically, it is hard to not be moved by them. And they're really, really uncomfortably close to reality. Glimpses of the fall of the american empire.
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skolima's books
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20% complete! skolima has read 5 of 24 books.
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skolima started reading Chapterhouse: Dune by Frank Herbert (Dune, #6)

Chapterhouse: Dune by Frank Herbert (Dune, #6)
The desert planet Arrakis, called Dune, has been destroyed. The remnants of the Old Empire have been consumed by the …
skolima finished reading Radicalized by Cory Doctorow

Radicalized by Cory Doctorow
rom New York Times bestselling author Cory Doctorow, Radicalized is four urgent SF novellas of America's present and future within …
skolima reviewed Radicalized by Cory Doctorow
skolima rated The Corporation Wars: Emergence: 4 stars

The Corporation Wars: Emergence by Ken MacLeod (The Corporation Wars, #3)
Ken MacLeod concludes the Corporation Wars trilogy in this action-packed science fiction adventure told against a backdrop of interstellar drone …
skolima finished reading The Corporation Wars: Emergence by Ken MacLeod (The Corporation Wars, #3)

The Corporation Wars: Emergence by Ken MacLeod (The Corporation Wars, #3)
Ken MacLeod concludes the Corporation Wars trilogy in this action-packed science fiction adventure told against a backdrop of interstellar drone …
skolima started reading Wiedźmin. Oficjalna księga kucharska by Anita Sarna

Wiedźmin. Oficjalna księga kucharska by Anita Sarna, Karolina Krupecka
Wyrusz w smakowitą wędrówkę, w trakcie której odkryjesz receptury inspirowane kulinarnie bogatym dziedzictwem świata Wiedźmina. Przepisy zebrane i spisane przez …
skolima started reading Smoczy tron by Tad Williams

Smoczy tron by Tad Williams, Tad Williams
In the peaceful land of Osten Ard, the good king is dying-and a long-dreaded evil is about to be unleashed. …
skolima finished reading Heretics of Dune by Frank Herbert
skolima rated Heretics of Dune: 4 stars
skolima rated Wiedźmin. Rozdroże kruków: 4 stars

Wiedźmin. Rozdroże kruków by Andrzej Sapkowski
Oto słowa Proroka: zaprawdę powiadam wam, że nastanie chaos w wielu miejscach i ogień często będzie wybuchał. Słońce rozjaśni się …
skolima finished reading Wiedźmin. Rozdroże kruków by Andrzej Sapkowski
Czy jest to spijanie śmietanki i zbieranie tantiem przez starszego wiekiem pisarza? A jakże. Czy jest na poziomie Sagi o Wiedźminie? No weź wyjdź. Ale jest zdecydowanie lepsze od Sezonu Burz. Warto przeczytać, jeśli jesteś fanem - historia pierwszego roku Geralta na szlaku.
Jest trochę puszczania oka do graczy, jest nieco naśmiewania się z serialu Netfliksa. Gryzie trochę rozmiar - to bardziej długie opowiadanie, niż krótka książka, w oryginalnej cenie wydania musiało to drażnić.
W każdym razie, udany powrót do historii z (dla mnie) nastoletniości, podkolorowany na pewno sentymentem do Sagi.
skolima started reading The Corporation Wars: Emergence by Ken MacLeod (The Corporation Wars, #3)

The Corporation Wars: Emergence by Ken MacLeod (The Corporation Wars, #3)
Ken MacLeod concludes the Corporation Wars trilogy in this action-packed science fiction adventure told against a backdrop of interstellar drone …
skolima started reading Heretics of Dune by Frank Herbert
skolima started reading Radicalized by Cory Doctorow

Radicalized by Cory Doctorow
rom New York Times bestselling author Cory Doctorow, Radicalized is four urgent SF novellas of America's present and future within …