Reviews and Comments


Joined 2 months, 3 weeks ago

I read books sometimes. And sometimes I record myself talking to my friends about them ... and even less often, I write stuff about them too.

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Mizuki Tsujimura (ミズキ ツジムラ): Lonely Castle in the Mirror (Hardcover, 2021, Doubleday) 4 stars

Review of 'Lonely Castle in the Mirror' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

From the blog (

I suppose this is something that everyone does from time to time (but if you've never done so, you're missing out, friend) - namely, going into a book shop with or without a particular book in mind. Letting your eyes rove over the covers of the offerings in the different sections as you slowly walk through the aisles. Picking one (or two or three) up on a whim. Giving them a cursory review and then deciding to take a chance on them. Sure, just like a blind date, this can often go wrong (I'm looking at you, Finding Ultra), but when it goes right, it's really a treat.

This book was a Book Store Blind Date that went right for me (actually, if I'm remembering correctly, I got it from an online store... but you can still browse virtually, right? Book Store Tinder, I guess). A …