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(WooD][WorkeR)'s books
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(WooD][WorkeR) rated Dinosaurier regierten die Welt: 3 stars
(WooD][WorkeR) rated Was ist was?, Bd.56, Ausgestorbene Tiere: 2 stars
(WooD][WorkeR) rated Katastrophen, die die Welt erschütterten: 2 stars
(WooD][WorkeR) rated Star Trek Design: 4 stars
(WooD][WorkeR) rated Bessere Software Kompakt: 3 stars
(WooD][WorkeR) rated Open Source: 2 stars
Open Source by Sebastian Snoopy Schmitz, Martin Müller (O'Reillys Taschenbibliothek, Sonderband)
(WooD][WorkeR) rated KiWi Taschenbücher, Nr.49, Wir: 4 stars
(WooD][WorkeR) rated Das Schicksal der Zwerge: 4 stars
(WooD][WorkeR) rated Die Rache der Zwerge: 4 stars
Die Rache der Zwerge by Markus Heitz
„Der tapfere kleine Held zieht erneut aus, um gegen die Feinde des Geborgenen Landes anzutreten. Diesmal machen ihm die gefährlichsten …
(WooD][WorkeR) rated Schöne Neue Welt: 5 stars
Schöne Neue Welt by Aldous Huxley
Brave New World is a dystopian social science fiction novel by English author Aldous Huxley, written in 1931 and published …
(WooD][WorkeR) rated 1984.: 5 stars
1984. by George Orwell
Nineteen Eighty-Four: A Novel, often referred to as 1984, is a dystopian social science fiction novel by the English novelist …