Jessica McCabe: How to ADHD (Hardcover, 2024, Potter/Ten Speed/Harmony/Rodale) 5 stars

Almost every system I set up to manage the stuff in my life broke down almost immediately, usually due to some combination of the following: I forgot to use it. I forgot how to use it. I lost it. I got bored of it. I forgot it existed. I put it in a Very Important Place and now I can’t find it. I promised myself I’d update it later. (I did not.) I got distracted. I broke my phone and hadn’t backed it up. I accidentally deleted the app or couldn’t remember my password. I couldn’t afford it anymore. Life happened—I got sick or went to a friend’s house on a day I was supposed to clean/cook/organize a thing, and I never went back to it again. And when a system fell apart, so did whatever it was supposed to help me manage. My stuff. My time. My relationships. My finances

How to ADHD by  (19%)

Super relatable quote about “systems” to help organise your life! #ADHD