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by Davis, Mike, Jon Wiener
by Davis, Mike, Mike Davis
by Davis, Mike
Michele Wallace, Davis, Mike, Michael Sprinker: Invisibility Blues (2008, Verso Books)
by Michele Wallace, Davis, Mike, Michael Sprinker
Davis, Mike: Buda's wagon (2008, Verso)
Barry Sanders, Davis, Mike: Green Zone (2009, AK Press)
by Barry Sanders, Davis, Mike
Davis, Mike: Be Realistic (2012, Haymarket Books)
Davis, Mike: Prisoners of the American dream (1990, Verso)
Davis, Mike: The monster at our door (2006, Henry Holt)
Truman Nelson, Davis, Mike: Old Man (2009, Haymarket Books)
by Truman Nelson, Davis, Mike
Davis, Mike: Monster at Our Door (2012, New Press, The)
Davis, Mike: Planet of Slums (2017, Verso Books)
Davis, Mike: In Praise of Barbarians (2007, Haymarket Books)
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