Jarosław Grzędowicz

Author details

May 2, 1965

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Jaroslaw Jerzy Grzędowicz, born in 1965, made his debut in 1982 in the pages of the weekly "Odgłosy" with the short story "Asylum for Old Pilots." Published in 1999 on the Internet, the short story "The Absolute Credit Card Club" received a nomination for the Electryball Award, and after publication in Alternative Visions 2002, also a nomination for the Sphinx Award. In 1990, together with Andrzej Łaski, Krzysztof Sokołowski, Dariusz Zientalak and Rafał Ziemkiewicz, he founded the literary magazine "Fenix", where he ran the Polish prose section, and was its editor-in-chief from 1993. He works as a journalist, runs a regular science and civilization column in "Gazeta Polska" and translates comic books.

He is the winner of the Silesia Award in the category of Creator of the Year 2005. In 2006 the writer was also honored with the Sphinx Award, in the category of Polish Novel of the Year, for his book "Pan Lodowego Ogrodu, vol. 1."

He is the first in the history of the Janusz A. Zajdel Literary Award to win two statuettes in both competition categories: Novel and Short Story of the Year 2005. The award-winning novel is "The Lord of the Ice Garden, vol. 1", the …

Books by Jarosław Grzędowicz