Grigori Tokaty

Author details

April 3, 1913
Nov. 23, 2003

External links

Grigory Aleksandrovich Tokaev (Ossetian: Токаты Ахмæты фырт Гогки / Tokaty Axmæty fyrt Gogki; Russian: Григорий Александрович Токаев) also known as Grigory Tokaty; (13 October 1909 – 23 November 2003) was a Soviet rocket scientist and politician. Eventually turned anti-communist, he defected to the United Kingdom and became a long-standing critic of Stalin's USSR.During his time in Britain, he also worked to create material for the Information Research Department (IRD), a secret branch of the UK Foreign Office which promoted anti-communist propaganda during the Cold War.

Books by Grigori Tokaty