Elizabeth George

Author details

エリザベス ジョージ, Елизабет Джордж, Susan Elizabeth George, and 10 others Elizabete Džordža, Джордж, Элизабет Джордж, エリザベス・ジョージ, Elizabeth George, אליזבת ג'ורג', Ėlizabet Džordž, الیزابت جرج, George, Elizabet Dzhordzh
Nov. 8, 1949

External links

Susan Elizabeth George (born February 26, 1949) is an American writer of mystery novels set in Great Britain. She is best known for a series of novels featuring Inspector Thomas Lynley, twenty in number as of 2018. The first eleven were adapted for television by the BBC as earlier episodes of The Inspector Lynley Mysteries.

Books by Elizabeth George