Fábio Aguiar

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Fábio Aguiar has more than two decades of professional experience in software development, and in recent years he has focused on practices related to product management, specializing in managing complex products in fast-growing global companies. With a technical background in Systems Development, a BA in Information Systems, and a specialization in Software Process Engineering, he now serves as Product Agility Specialist and executive at Accenture.

Being involved for many years in the Brazilian agile community, he served as general coordinator of the Agile Brasil Conference in 2017, was one of the directors of Agile Alliance Brasil, and is a co-creator of one of the first local Agile communities in Brazil, Tá Safo. Alongside his work in the field, he has also made time for sharing his knowledge. He has worked at numerous educational institutions and training companies as a teacher and instructor, and is now on the FIAP MBA faculty (Faculdade de Informática e Administração Paulista) and an associate instructor at Caroli.org.

Books by Fábio Aguiar