William Olaf Stapledon (10 May 1886 – 6 September 1950) – known as Olaf Stapledon – was a British philosopher and author of science fiction. In 2014, he was inducted into the Science Fiction and Fantasy Hall of Fame.
Olaf Stapledon
Author details
- Aliases:
オラフ ステープルドン, Olafs Stepldons, William Olaf Stapledon, and 10 others
Олаф Стэплдон, Όλαφ Στάπλεντον, Олаф Степлдон, Olaf Stapledon, 奥拉夫·斯塔普雷顿, W. Olaf Stapledon, オラフ・ステープルドン, 올라프 스테이플던, Olaf Stapleton, Уильям Олаф Стэплдон - Born:
- Aug. 11, 1886
- Died:
- Aug. 11, 1950