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Paizo Staff, Greg A. Vaughan: Reign of Winter Pt. 6 (2013, Paizo Inc.)
by Paizo Staff, Greg A. Vaughan
Greg A. Vaughan: Mother Of Flies (2009, Paizo Publishing)
by Greg A. Vaughan
Paizo Publishing Staff, Greg A. Vaughan: Wake of the Watcher (2011, Paizo Inc.)
by Paizo Publishing Staff, Greg A. Vaughan
Greg A. Vaughan: Spires of XinShalast Pathfinder Rise of the Ruinlords (Paizo Publishing)
Greg A. Vaughan, Wayne Reynolds: Pathfinder #11 Curse Of The Crimson Throne (Paperback, 2008, Paizo Publishing, LLC.)
by Greg A. Vaughan, Wayne Reynolds
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