Aimee Parkison

Author details

Dec. 6, 1976

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The oldest of four children, Aimee Parkison was born in Durant, Oklahoma. She currently resides in Charlotte, North Carolina. Parkison has received a Christopher Isherwood Fellowship, a Writers at Work Fellowship, and a Kurt Vonnegut Fiction Prize. When she’s not reading, writing, playing surrealist word games, daydreaming, journaling, or teaching, she’s usually hanging out at local coffee shops with her husband Abelardo, playing video games, spending time with her seven cats, or enjoying a glass of red wine.

Parkison writes fiction and poetry. She has an MFA from Cornell University and is an Associate Professor of English at The University of North Carolina at Charlotte, where she teaches creative writing. Just after she finished graduate school, her first story collection, Woman with Dark Horses, won the first annual Starcherone Fiction Prize. BOA Edition’s American Reader Series published her recent story collection, The Innocent Party, in 2012. Parkison’s work has been nominated for a Pushcart Prize and has appeared in numerous magazines, including Feminist Studies, Mississippi Review, North American Review, Cimarron Review, Quarterly West, Santa Monica Review, Other Voices, Lake Effect, Tarpaulin Sky, PMS, 5AM, Sow’s Ear Poetry Review, Hayden’s Ferry Review, So to Speak, Nimrod, The Literary Review, Crab Orchard …

Books by Aimee Parkison