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German sociologist and psychoanalyst
by Erich Fromm
Erich Fromm: Escape from freedom (1941, Rinehart & Company, Inc.)
Viktor E. Frankl, Antonio Alatorre, Erich Fromm: Los 1001 años de la lengua española (Spanish language, 1989, Tezontle)
by Viktor E. Frankl, Antonio Alatorre, Erich Fromm
Erich Fromm: Psychoanalysis and Zen Buddhism (1986, Unwin Paperbacks)
Erich Fromm: The Forgotten Language; An Introduction to the Understanding of Dreams, Fairy Tales, and Myths. (Paperback, 1976, Henry Holt & Co (P))
Erich Fromm, Reiner Funk: Gesamtausgabe, 12 Bde., Bd.11/12, Politische Psychoanalyse (Hardcover, German language, 1999, Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt DVA)
by Erich Fromm, Reiner Funk
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