William Tenn
Author details
- Born:
- June 15, 1920
- Died:
- June 15, 2010
External links
Books by William Tenn

Fritz Leiber, Jerome Bixby, Martin Harry Greenberg, William Morrison, William Tenn, Alfred Bester, Theodore Cogswell, Philip K. Dick, Isaac Asimov, Ward Moore, Walter M. Miller Jr., Fredric Brown, Damon Knight, Robert Sheckley, 시어도어 스터전, Arthur C. Clarke, James Blish: Isaac Asimov Presents the Great SF Stories 15 (1953) (Paperback, 1986, DAW)
Isaac Asimov Presents the Great SF Stories 15 (1953)
by Fritz Leiber, Jerome Bixby, Martin Harry Greenberg, and 14 others

Wilson Tucker, Larry Niven, Randall Garrett, William Tenn, Katherine MacLean, Avram Davidson, Philip K. Dick, Edward Wellen, Charles V. de Vet, William Temple, Isaac Asimov, Martin H. Greenberg, Charles G. Waugh, Jack Vance, Clifford D. Simak, Tom Reamy: The 13 crimes of science fiction (1979, Doubleday)
The 13 crimes of science fiction
by Wilson Tucker, Larry Niven, Randall Garrett, and 13 others

Isaac Asimov's science fiction treasury
by James Tiptree Jr., Kate Wilhelm, Edmond Hamilton, and 37 others