SaraLeon reviewed The dark side by Anthony O'Neill
Review of 'The dark side' on 'Goodreads'
5 stars
If you were to make the DarkNet a real Place, mix it with some Vegas Glam and a narcissistic, all powerful magnat, you get Purgatory - or as his chess-opponent and daughter would call it: Redemption.
The Dark Side is an entertaining and realistic Sci-Fi "crime story", brought to life through the eyes of the police lieutnant Justs and the optic sensors of a highly "evolved" android, both finding their own paths.
I thoroughly enjoyed the mood the author builds up by his introductions of each chapter. Things are not easy or convenient as in many space sci-fi, but the phsyics of the moon have an impact in the story. The cast of people is diverse and seems facetted, if you only meet them for a short time or see the world through their eyes. For gamers I'd recommend thinking about the moon in Destiny, to have a great imagination …
If you were to make the DarkNet a real Place, mix it with some Vegas Glam and a narcissistic, all powerful magnat, you get Purgatory - or as his chess-opponent and daughter would call it: Redemption.
The Dark Side is an entertaining and realistic Sci-Fi "crime story", brought to life through the eyes of the police lieutnant Justs and the optic sensors of a highly "evolved" android, both finding their own paths.
I thoroughly enjoyed the mood the author builds up by his introductions of each chapter. Things are not easy or convenient as in many space sci-fi, but the phsyics of the moon have an impact in the story. The cast of people is diverse and seems facetted, if you only meet them for a short time or see the world through their eyes. For gamers I'd recommend thinking about the moon in Destiny, to have a great imagination of what the world O'Neill created might look like.
realistic as in is thinkable with the physical laws of our universe, the human condition and is well researched. Of course it is still a story.
"Everyone is a moon, and has a dark side which he never shows to anybody."
"Only a lunatic would live on the moon."
"All they see is a standard that needs to be emulated. So clearly satire doesn't work."
I thank NetGalley for the opportunity to be able to read this book in change for a review.