Woman Hating

218 pages

English language

Published Dec. 1, 1991 by Plume.

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3 stars (6 reviews)

Debut work of non-fiction from the radical feminist writer, exploring "the view of woman as carnal victim, sacrificer of self, better off half dead than fully alive," (from front flap). Includes explorations of "The Fairy Tales," "The Pornography," "The Herstory," and "Androgyny."

1 edition

overall kind of whiplash-inducing

4 stars

first book by dworkin i've read, and also the first she wrote. mostly respect it for its scope/ambition. the best parts are her absolutely lacerating readings of cheap porn magazines and her chapter on the history of footbinding as an example of gender being both entirely invented and literally disabling. the mythological speculation toward the end might be more compelling if it didn't make sweeping universal claims like "we went from androgynous gods to female mother gods and maybe that's where the incest taboo comes from" while citing people like joseph campbell with a tendency to bullshit. the last section's surprisingly pro-trans for the reputation radical feminism usually has: it frames trans people as in direct conflict with the medical/psychiatric establishment and establishes the right to transition in no uncertain terms. (she also kind of maybe definitely defends bestiality but WE DON'T TALK ABOUT THAT.) be prepared for the preface …

Review of 'Woman Hating (Plume)' on 'Goodreads'

3 stars

Tout le début du livre, jusqu'à presque la fin, est hyper intéressant (et rageant) : cela nous retrace une histoire de la misogynie, et nous montre bien à quel point nous vivons dans une société de merde où les femmes sont maltraitées et les hommes ressentent un mépris et une haine dégueulasse pour les femmes.
Mais alors la fin... Ça se barre totalement en cacahouètes, ça prône la zoophilie et l'inceste, c'est ignoble. Ok, les traducteurs ont indiqué que Dworkin avait changé d'avis sur l'inceste à la fin de sa vie. Mais ça reste malsain.
En fait il faut lire le début et le milieu puis poser le bouquin, et c'est parfait.

Ah et en plus y a un bonus branlette intellectuelle sur l'usage de la ponctuation à la fin. On adore (non).