Gregor and the curse of the warmbloods

358 pages

English language

Published April 4, 2005 by Scholastic.

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4 stars (9 reviews)

Eleven-year-old Gregor and his younger sister, Boots, return to the Underworld beneath New York City to find the cure for a terrible plague that threatens the life of their mother, as well as the lives of the people, bats, and rats who populate the underworld.

20 editions

Review of 'Gregor And The Curse Of The Warmbloods' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

Extremely good book it brings many new elements to the series and helps introduce the next book unlike the others in the series. This book actually ties in to the next book in the series, unlike the others where they start a couple months after the last, and completely imerses gregors family in the underworld. It finally shows Gregor's affection for Luxa, though she doesnt't respond in turn, and brings the people of the quest much closer together.


  • Brothers and sisters -- Fiction.
  • Animals -- Fiction.
  • Plague -- Fiction.
  • Fantasy.