“ Leadership is the fruit, not the tree. Jesus leadership just happens. Jesus tells us to be a servant. That is his form of leadership. Stop working to be a leader. Be a servant and people will follow your lead. We have been soaked in the concept that leadership must be fashioned, focused on, and purposely practiced. Jesus doesn't teach that at all. Jesus clearly—and repeatedly—modeled and instructed his followers to focus on and practice servantship.” (p. 86)
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Travis Seitler is reading... finished reading Multiplication Effect by Mac Lake
Travis Seitler is reading... finished reading Unleader by Lance Ford
The more of one's wealth that is obtained by plunder or extortion, the more spectacular and self-aggrandizing will be the forms in which it's given away.
— Debt: the first 5,000 years by David Graeber (Page 113)
Travis Seitler is reading... started reading The carrot principle by Adrian Robert Gostick
Travis Seitler is reading... finished reading Tao of Coaching by Max Landsberg
Several websites by sports coaches made it clear that sportspeople have thought deeply about how to set goals for individuals and for teams. One important distinction they make is between three types of goal: process goals ("hit a harder serve"), performance goals ("serve more aces"), and outcome goals ("win Wimbledon"). Alex reflected that shareholders in the modern corporate world are far more interested in outcomes or so-called output measures, than they are in process improvement or so-called input measures. Yet many top athletes and their coaches believe that process goals are far more valuable since you can practise reaching a process goal (and get feedback on it) everyday - not just once a year when Wimbledon comes along. You are far more likely to set a goal that is demanding if it is a process goal because, if you fail to meet it, your failure will not be so public as failing to achieve a demanding outcome goal.
— Tao of Coaching by Max Landsberg (Page 100)
I thought this was a good insight, and I want to keep it in mind both when considering my own goals and when mentoring others as they define their own goals.
Travis Seitler is reading... finished reading Glad You're Here by Craig Allen Cooper
Travis Seitler is reading... commented on Glad You're Here by Craig Allen Cooper
Content warning Quote
“If we think we have perfect vision, we'll never go to the eye doctor to get our eyes checked. And if we fancy ourselves as having flawless spiritual insight, we might not even recognize the real Jesus when He appears on the scene of our lives. But the good news for people with weak vision is that Jesus came to bring recovery of sight to those who need it. There's a prayer the Apostle Paul records in the book of Ephesians, asking that the eyes of our hearts would be enlightened, that they would be opened to the hope we have in Jesus (Eph. 1:18). When Jesus stoops to open our eyes, the rest of the world starts making a lot more sense.”
The aim of the present book is to explain not only the modern scientific worldview but also many more aspects of the modern and contemporary world through the lens of the gospel.
— Biblical Critical Theory by Christopher Watkin, Timothy Keller (Page 24)
Travis Seitler is reading... wants to read The carrot principle by Adrian Robert Gostick
Travis Seitler is reading... started reading Tao of Coaching by Max Landsberg
Travis Seitler is reading... started reading Biblical Critical Theory by Timothy Keller
Travis Seitler is reading... started reading Heir to the Empire by Timothy Zahn (The Thrawn Trilogy, #1)

Heir to the Empire by Timothy Zahn (The Thrawn Trilogy, #1)
It's five years after Return of the Jedi: the Rebel Alliance has destroyed the Death Star, defeated Darth Vader and …