Under the Harvest Moon

English language

No rating (1 review)

Laurel Pearson is ready for adventure.

The sort of adventure that means finding your people and discovering yourself and — well, it turns out that her adventure mostly looks like a studio apartment in a new city, a job at a quirky little bookshop, and humiliating herself in front of the most gorgeous woman she’s ever seen.


But Laurel can’t shake the feeling that there’s more going on. The bookshop sells silver amulets and dried herbs alongside their truly impressive poetry section, and that gorgeous woman crackles with secrets. And the bookclub? It might be a coven.

There’s something coming. Something changing. And Laurel would swear that Rhea Barnes — the gruff, hot gardener with the intriguing scars — is the key to understanding all of it.

Can Laurel convince Rhea to take a chance on her and find out what’s pulling them together?

Under the Harvest Moon is …

1 edition

I did not fall for the magic soulmates; sorry.

No rating

I could have done without the whole Magic Soulmates deal; it was a little too Twilight-esque, especially in a witches/vampires/shapeshifters book. Also... I get that Rhea and Laurel were both dealing with some pretty intense personal stuff that got in the way of them communicating, but could SOMEONE in the coven not have given Laurel a crash course in navigating magical society, somewhere in between working at the bookstore and going to parties?

It was good writing, a reasonable plot, and perfectly fine characters, but for whatever reason this didn't catch me quite as strongly as Hale's other books.