Tedious at times. Pockmarked by outlandish claims. Still a nice view into early 20thC esotericism.
3 stars
I wish I had the confidence to say outlandish things with no evidence aside from "wouldn't it be neat if..."
Hall's motives are at least altruistic and I admire his optimism. I think his faith in philosophy and contemplation is genuine. His arguments unfortunately are often not nearly as conclusive as he believed they were. I feel like he would have made stronger arguments if he gave more of an acknowledgment that some of what he was claiming was speculation and theory. I don't think he set out to deceive anyone, but he comes across as a charlatan when he repeats claims about stuff like Atlantis being real and the pyramids being secret temples. The model or theory of Atlantis, for example, is infinitely more useful than any alleged reality. Hall makes these over-reaches throughout and it hides his message.