tjrourke rated Stranger Albert Camus: 4 stars

Stranger Albert Camus by Stuart Gilbert, Albert Camus
L'Étranger est le premier roman publié d’Albert Camus, paru en 1942. Il prend place dans la tétralogie que Camus nommera …
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L'Étranger est le premier roman publié d’Albert Camus, paru en 1942. Il prend place dans la tétralogie que Camus nommera …
Welcome back to the brash, brutal new world of the twenty-fifth century: where global politics isn't just for planet Earth …
Da questo romanzo la serie TV Netflix Original
«Un omaggio al cyberpunk old school. Altered Carbon si legge come una …
For years, Ryder Carroll tried countless organizing systems, online and off, but none of them fit the way his mind …
From the description of this book, it might seem like a short story, but it isn't. Andy Weir puts together a great story that reminded me of Martin Caidin's Marooned which was also made into a movie. The interesting thing is how he uses the protagonist's log entries to narrate his time on Mars, and mixes it with more normal third person narration for others in the story.
There's lots of science and McGyver-ist survival action, and Mark Watney (likely the first man to die on Mars) approaches most of it with a humor that will win you over. When I finished this book I decided to use Watney's figures of speech, like "dumb-assery", in a sentence at least once a week.
In a future world where telepathy is a rare but known phenomenon, Dennis Guise is a young boy whose unprecedented …
Roger Zelazny: A dark travelling (1989, Avon Books)
When a scientist learns that aliens in a parallel world are waging a secret war against the Earth, he disappears …