350 pages

English language

Published July 12, 2009 by Allison & Busby.

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4 stars (2 reviews)

In the college town of Morganville, vampires and humans coexist in relatively bloodless harmony. Then along comes Bishop, the master vampire who threatens to abolish all order, revive the forces of the evil dead and let chaos rule. But Bishop isn't the only threat ...

1 edition

reviewed Lord of misrule by Rachel Caine (The Morganville vampires -- bk. 5)

Review of 'Lord of misrule' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

Lord of Misrule obviously carries on from Feast of Fools and things gets much darker and action packed. If you thought Morganville was messed up before, you should see it now. There's a tornado on the way and the vampires are walking out into daylight in a zombie-like trance. Claire has been working with Myrnin on the cure and she's getting close but it could all be too late.

I'm not sure Shane is the sweet guy that Claire seems to think he is. He seems a bit volatile and prejudiced, yet in contrast there's that no sex until she's 17 thing going on. I have to say I was not expecting the ending and it's hard to take a break from the series!

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  • Students
  • Storms
  • Vampires
  • Fiction