Histoire de l'Afrique

295 pages

French language

Published May 18, 2007 by Ellipses.

Copied ISBN!
4 stars (3 reviews)

Un livre intitulé : « LES ATOUTS DU COOPERATISME AFRICAIN : Etude prospective de la contribution du système coopératif à la relance économique de l’Afrique Subsaharienne »

A travers cette étude, l’auteur souligne la dissonance entre les valeurs socioculturelles africaines et les fondements de la politique économique que les experts ultralibéraux s’évertuent à appliquer à l’Afrique Subsaharienne en tentant, sans succès, d’universaliser des réformes préétablies à l’ensemble des pays à travers le monde.

2 editions

Review of 'Les atouts du coopératisme africain' on 'Storygraph'

5 stars


  • ends in cliffhanger 

  • spice 4/5 (very good spice!!) 

I immediately jumped into this from Book 1, and I was not disappointed. The cliffhanger in Book 1 is less easy to predict than the one here, and I went in already mad about Book 3 not being out because I knew what was coming. Beware this book if you don’t like unfinished series, this will leave you hurting. 

Spoiler for cliffhanger <spoiler> I thought it was pretty obvious that the price for resurrecting Samkiel would be something to do with their finally-admitted love. I’m expecting him to have lost feeling for her maybe in the next one, since she still seems to have feelings for him? Unsure, but I wouldn’t be surprised. I’m excited to see how that gets resolved, though, since I fully expect everyone to live and love again.</spoiler> 

The world-building continues in this book, and at this …

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4 stars