The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction, May/June 2018


English language

Published April 30, 2018 by Spilogale, Inc...

4 stars (1 review)

1 edition

A better than average issue of F&SF.

4 stars

A better than average issues with interesting stories by Amman Sabet, Matthew Hughes, Melanie West, Nina Kiriki Hoffman and with a chilling horror story by Stephanie Feldman.

  • "Tender Loving Plastics" by Amman Sabet: an interesting look at a future where some children are raised in homes run by robotic mothers. The story looks at a girl raised in such a home at various points of her life from childhood to adulthood and her reactions towards her 'mother'.

  • "The Barrens" by Stephanie Feldman: a chilling fantasy that starts out as a group of teenagers eager to join in a festival being broadcast on a strange radio channel, only to become involved in what may have been a continuing competition ritual since ancient times that may end in their apparent victory or death.

  • "Inquisitive" by Pip Coen: in a future where Inquisitors and fear of inquisitions rule the worlds, one girl (who …