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Soh Kam Yung Locked account

Joined 2 years, 11 months ago

Exploring one universe at a time. Interested in #Nature, #Photography, #NaturePhotography, #Science, #ScienceFiction, #Physics, #Engineering.

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Soh Kam Yung's books

Currently Reading

Ryan North, Erica Henderson: Danger and Other Unknown Risks (2023, Penguin Young Readers Group) 4 stars

Here’s the deal—on midnight of January 1st, 2000, the world ended. But it wasn’t technology …

A magical twist to the usual 'Chosen One who has to save the world' story.

4 stars

An interesting graphical novel based on the usual 'chosen one' who has to save the world. But this one has a rather big twist towards the end, and you may start to wonder whether she has been chosen to really save the world or to destroy it.

In the story, the world as we know it ended in the year 2000, when electricity failed and magic began to work. Trouble is, nobody knew how to control magic at the time, leading to catastrophic spells being cast. Now, many years later, stable magical regions of the world exist, but a dark magic is creeping out, slowly devouring the regions.

Into this steps one special girl who has been trained by his grandfather (now a powerful wizard) to be the Chosen One to gather magical items for him so he can cast a spell to save the world. But clues left throughout …

Aliette de Bodard: The Mausoleum’s Children (2023, Uncanny Magazine) 3 stars

On returning to a 'prison' to help your friends escape.

3 stars

The story of a person who escaped from a mausoleum many years ago, and now returns to free her childhood friends. The mausoleum is actually an ancient spaceship downed after a battle that left parts of it functional but in an unknown fashion. A group called the Architects have been trying to discover its secrets, but doing so involves the use of children who 'interface' with the remains of the AI of the ship. And the Architects jealously guard the ship and attempt to kill all who try to escape from it; she was seriously wounded in her escape.

After many years, the person returns to see who she can save: but things have changed and now the only way she can save the children is to activate the ship and, hopefully, use it to save herself and end the work of the Architects.

Thomas S. Mullaney: Chinese Computer (2024, MIT Press) 5 stars

The fascinating, untold story of how the Chinese language overcame unparalleled challenges and revolutionized the …

A fabulous book on the history of Chinese character entry, and what the future holds for entry systems.

5 stars

A fascinating book looking at the history of the Chinese Computer, or attempts to enable the input and display of Chinese characters in the early days of computers. Now known as IMEs (input method editors), it was not a given that the most popular method now used for Chinese, Hanyu Pinyin, would be the dominant one, nor that it is now so efficient that is can rival, or even exceed, the speed of entering words using Latin alphabets. Early IMEs used numeric coding, codes based on the structure of Chinese characters, and other methods which might have become dominant. But Hanyu Pinyin would win in the end due to politics and an advantage, compared to other methods, at entering multiple characters.

What follows is a chapter by chapter summary of the book.

"1: When IMEs Were Women: IBM, Lois Lew, and the Dawn of Electronic Chinese" looks at the history …

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