El acto de crear

Una manera de ser

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Rick Rubin: El acto de crear (Hardcover, Español language, 2023, Diana)

Hardcover, 432 pages

Español language

Published Nov. 1, 2023 by Diana.

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4 stars (7 reviews)

«Una hermosa reflexión sobre el proceso creativo. Guia a los lectores a través de “78 áreas de pensamiento”, Rubin comparte su visión de la creatividad, que a su vez refleja su forma de ver el mundo. El libro hace un trabajo extraordinario al explicar estas ideas profundas y filosóficas de una manera fácil de entender», Complex

«Una obra de literatura trascendente, que sugiere que el universo aún nos sonríe a pesar de que los indicios nos digan todo lo contrario.», The Wall Street Journal

«El legendario productor de artistas como Adele, Black Sabbath, Johnny Cash o Jay-Z, destila los conocimientos de una carrera brillante y nos revela cómo sacar lo mejor de nosotros.», Financial Times

«Una condensación de la sabiduría que Rubin ha acumulado durante décadas llevando discos a buen puerto... para creativos que necesitan un estímulo.», The Guardian

«Una indagación existencial sobre la naturaleza de la creatividad, el arte …

4 editions

The Creative Act: A Way of Being

2 stars

I wanted to like this book, I really did. But I couldn’t. It’s stylish, the prose is really good, but there’s little substance underneath. There are a few good nuggets in here—for instance, the author has good comments on sincerity and inconsistency in one of the final chapters—but it isn’t enough to save the text.

That said, it’s very instagrammable. I’m sure the bookstagram/booktok crowd loves it. It has the same energy as Rupi Kaur, if I’m going to be totally honest, but I liked her work more.

Anyone can be creative if they will allow themselves the freedom to be

5 stars

According to Rick Rubin's book, The Creative Act: A Way of Being, every one of us, each with our unique experiences, values, and perspectives on the world, has the capacity to tap into a rich spring of creativity in service to our own art. Creative inspiration can come from anywhere, and it can strike at any time. Our job as artists is to be receptive to it when it happens. It requires living in the moment and nurturing an awareness brought about by a child-like curiosity for everything we encounter. Inspiration is transformed into art through an ongoing process of playful experimentation, hard work, and courage to release it into the world once it's complete.

This book is less a prescriptive guide to becoming an artist and more of a philosophy of how to live like one. Although the author is an artist in his own right, this book …