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The Weaver Reads

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The Weaver Reads's books

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23% complete! The Weaver Reads has read 24 of 104 books.

Dan Millman: The Life You Were Born to Live (1995, HJ Kramer) 3 stars

The Life You Were Born to Live lays out thirty seven life paths, and explains …

Not the Best Writing

2 stars

I went into this book blind after coming across it on /r/Numerology—people on their raved about how much they liked it. I was much less impressed.

In short, I don’t think it matters whether astrology or numerology or other such things are “true.” The important thing is that they are symbolic systems that help us make sense of the world when there is actually no solid ground to stand on.

Millman tries to do this with birthdays, which is fine, but it’s not a home run. The text was simply too broad, so any number could encompass anyone. This is in marked contrast, in my view, to astrology, which is both broad enough to encompass many people, while narrow enough to make you feel special. In this book, I felt like the author was not really saying much of anything at all.

It also didn’t help that the writing was …

reviewed Desert Tracings by Michael Anthony Sells (Wesleyan poetry in translation)

Michael Anthony Sells: Desert Tracings (1989, Wesleyan University Press) 4 stars

Pre-Islamic Arab Poetry

4 stars

This is a great collection of (largely) pre-Islamic poetry--Dhu al-Rumma did live after the coming of Islam, and Michael Sells points out that he's often considered the "Seal" of the classical poets, closing that age permanently.

I can't assess the quality of the translation, as I don't know the Arabic well enough to do so. However, the poems here stand well on their own, and they're really quite beautiful. Almost all of them deal with the desert and a sense of longing. Even though we often see the desert as somehow "dead," the way it's painted here appears as though it's teeming with life.

There's love and longing, wine songs, boasting, and travels all depicted here. In fact, it seems as if these components were compulsory--the make the qasida work.

It's a short text; I read it in two brief sittings. In fact, I do wish more poems were included …

Carole Taylor: Astrology (2018, DK Publishing) 4 stars

I'm going through my Saturn return and I want to die!

4 stars

Sometimes I dabble in astrology--everything that I had learned from it, I really learned online. I decided that I wanted to dabble more in esotericism, mysticism, etc., so I picked up this book.

Basically, it's a handy guide. It's well written for those new to astrology, and it's a good primer to those who've been playing with it some.

The book more-or-less breaks down into an introduction, an overview of the Zodiac signs, an overview of the planets, an overview of the houses, an overview putting things together through the natal chart, a few case studies, a short segment on transits, and concluding with a long section on general applications to life.

I'd like to learn a lot more, but I can save that for later.

Anouar Abdel-Malek: Contemporary Arab Political Thought (1983, Zed Press, U.S. distributor, Biblio Distribution Center) 3 stars

Good Collection of Primary Sources

3 stars

This is a good collection of primary sources on Arabic political thought during the first three quarters of the 20th century. The real pull of the period was between the experience of "tradition" and "modernity," both of which are contested concepts. There is little in the way of resolution, and a lot of the same questions remain important to politics in the Arab world.

That said, Islamism seems to have been delegitimized by the so-called "Arab Spring" and the subsequent explosion in political violence. Marxism, too, seems to have been largely delegitimized by the collapse of the Soviet Union, and I haven't seen much indication that Marxist politics have become more prominent. Arab Nationalism largely died with Nasser and, its last reverberations seemed to have died with Gaddafi.

The political scene, in many ways, looks bleak. Judging by the state of politics today, neoliberalism seems to be the hegemonic ideology, …

Haruki Murakami: After Dark (Hardcover, 2007, Knopf) 4 stars

In After Dark—a gripping novel of late night encounters—Murakami’s trademark humor and psychological insight are …

A Surreal Tale About Care at Night

5 stars

This is such a beautiful, short novella. I went into it with no expectations, and I'm glad I didn't.

The whole story takes place over the course of seven hours, from midnight to 7 am, and follows a small cast of characters over the course of the night. The experiences that most of the characters had reflect a strong sense of community and care that I remember coming across late at night while I was in university. Of course, there are bleak moments here, but the weight of them are kept at bay by the humanism of the characters.

The story does have surreal moments, but they don't predominate, and they add a lot to the story. Late at night, things don't always feel right, and the surreal really feeds into that.

One component of the story that does a lot of work is the point of view. For one, …

John Schroeter, Deb Westphal: After Shock (Hardcover, 2020, John August Media, LLC) 2 stars

Not in the Same League as Future Shock

2 stars

I'm sorry, but I wasn't impressed. In short, this lengthy anthology is a collection of responses and reflections to Alvin and Heidi Toffler's 1970 classic Future Shock. While there were some good essays in here, the bulk are either far too optimistic or borderline insane. There was one essay that discusses the solar system entering a part of the galaxy with "weird energy" as contributing to climate change--which the author of the piece claims is actually us entering a new ice age, although in differing words.

The essays also lean much more conservative than the Tofflers' book ever was. I suspect that this is partially due to John Schroeter being the man responsible for selecting the authors. His own piece urges us to look past social categories and see each of us as individuals. While yes, we are all individuals, human society--including American society--is structured above all by social …

David Foster Wallace: Infinite Jest (Paperback, 2006, Back Bay Books (Little Brown and Company)) 4 stars

Set in an addicts' hallway house and a tennis academy, and featuring one of the …

Triangles and Circles

5 stars

WOW. This book had long been on my to-read list, but I pushed it to the top, as someone mentioned that it helped them cure their depression. It surely didn't do that for me, but it had me reflecting on my own life. There isn't a lot here that's resolved, but it's so easy to get attached to the many, many characters--both "small" and large. I felt most attached to Don Gately, and Mario is one of the single most lovable characters in literature. There's so much here that's unresolved, but it feels a lot like life. The book functions as both a circle and a triangle, but I'll let you read it to get a sense of what I mean by this.

I have more to say on this, and I might just write a post about plateaus and what J. O. Incandenza calls "figurants." Those two concepts, in …

Roger Allen: An Introduction to Arabic Literature (Cambridge University Press) 2 stars

1400 Years -- Vertigo Guaranteed

2 stars

Roger Allen's An Introduction to Arabic Literature is a serviceable tool to learn exactly what is in the title. However, the individual chapters are inconsistent. The first half of the chapter on belletristic prose, and the entire chapter on poetry happen at such rapid speed that it's guaranteed that you'll get lost. There are so many names and unfamiliar genres here, most of whom were NOT contemporaneous with one another, that it's hard to tease out any serious thread--which is all well, as there might not be a thread. However, the chapters on drama and the Qur'an were much more digestible.

David Foster Wallace: Infinite Jest (Paperback, 2006, Back Bay Books (Little Brown and Company)) 4 stars

Set in an addicts' hallway house and a tennis academy, and featuring one of the …

It is a load of psychic pain wholly incompatible with human life as we know it. It is a sense of radical and thoroughgoing evil not just as a feature, but as the essence of conscious existence. It is a sense of poisoning that pervades the self of the self's most elementary levels. It is a nausea of the cells and soul. It is an unnumb intuition in which the world is fully rich and inanimate and un-map-like and also thoroughly painful and malignant and antagonistic to the self, which depressed self It billows on and coagulates around and wraps Its black folds and absorbs into Itself, so that an almost mystical unity is achieved with a world every constituent of which means painful harm to the self. Its emotional character, the feeling Gompert describes It as, is probably mostly indescribable except as a sort of double bind in which any/all of the alternatives we associate with human agency--sitting or standing, doing or resting, speaking or keeping silent, living or dying--are not just unpleasant but literally horrible.

It is also lonely on a level that cannot be conveyed.

Infinite Jest by  (60%)

Jhumpa Lahiri, Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, Sequoia Nagamatsu: One World (2009) 4 stars

One World, United

4 stars

This is a good collection, although the stories are of varying quality. It leans especially heavily into contemporary African short stories, which I was pleased to see.

Probably the single-best was the closing story, Jhumpa Lahiri's "The Third and Final Continent," which brough me to tears. I had never read anything by Lahiri before, and this was a great introduction to her work.

Other excellent stories were Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie's "My Mother, the Crazy African," Martin Ramos's "The Way of the Machete," Dipita Kwa's "Honor of a Woman," and Sequoia Nagamatsu's "Melancholy Nights in a Tokyo Cyber Café." Ravi Mangla's "Air Mail" and Vanessa Gebbie's "The Kettle on the Boat" were also especially touching.

The collection is effective in bringing together that which is universal around the world. Abandonment, generational conflict, loneliness, gender inequality, and discrimination are all really important themes. One theme that unifies a number of stories is …

Søren Kierkegaard: Either/Or (1992) 4 stars

Either/Or (Danish: Enten – Eller) is the first published work of the Danish philosopher Søren …

Doubt, Despair, and Commitment

4 stars

This book took far longer to complete than I anticipated. It had been on my to-read list for quite some time, but I picked it up at the beginning of the year when I saw a post on Reddit asking users what books might help "cure" their depression--someone recommended Either/Or, and I decided it was time to pick it up.

Cure my depression, it did not. However, it did force me to think seriously about my own life.

Kierkegaard frames his book as an outside, pseudonymous editor. He claims that he found the texts contained within this book; we intelligent readers know that it was he who wrote them.

The text ultimately takes place from two perspectives. The first volume, "Either," is very much a treatment of aesthetics, and it comes from the perspective of a man who lives his life only for enjoyment. Today we might call him a …

Nick Land: A Nick Land Reader (Paperback, Urbanomic) 3 stars


Introduction 5

I Capital and AI 6 Meltdown 7 Machinic Desire 18 A Quick-and-Dirty …

The Enemy We Need

3 stars

This is a hard book to review. It's a totally different beast from Fanged Noumena, which consists of his works from before 2007 and is a distillation of accelerationism in what I might call its purest form. This work, in contrast, puts some of Land's earlier writing in conversation with his more recent, Neoreactionary phase. That, in fact, is exactly why I picked it up. Mencius Moldbug/Curtis Yarvin has been in the news a lot lately, and I read one of his short treatises previously.

I've put a full review of the text here on my blog.