Stephanie Jane reviewed The secrets between us by Louise Douglas
Ploughed through it eventually
2 stars
The synopsis on the back of Secrets Between Us described the novel as 'reminiscent of' Daphne Du Maurier's Rebecca. Blatantly ripped off from would have been more accurate, and it doesn't have the former's eerie style either. I nearly gave up on this book a couple of times but did manage to plough through to the end eventually. Perhaps a more ruthless editing job would help because, at over 500 pages, it's a lot of ploughing. The main characters are repetitive and flat, but fortunately some of the supporting cast provide a sense of realism. Blue was probably my favourite! The ghostly elements could work with a more subtle approach, but Sarah's continuous whining that Alex must really love her deep down because he ignores her and treats her like dirt, but the sex is great is so cliched as to be laughable.