Белый песок. Книга 1. Время перемен

графический роман

Hardcover, 240 pages

Russian language

Published Jan. 23, 2023 by Азбука.

Copied ISBN!
4 stars (32 reviews)

На планете Талдаин, одна сторона которой купается в лучах беспощадного солнца, а другая навеки погружена во тьму, живут мастера песка. Управляя песком, они делают невероятные вещи: возводят огромные здания, сражаются и даже летают.

Кентон — своенравный и дерзкий юноша, который не верит в талант, только в упорство. Обделённый выдающимися способностями, он с рождения стремится доказать всем вокруг, что даже ему по силам добиться самого высокого звания в ранге мастеров песка и стать мастреллом. Но однажды люди из враждебного клана убивают его отца и почти всех товарищей. Чудом выжив после кровавой бойни, Кентон намерен выяснить правду о случившемся. Он не сомневается: кто-то ослабил мастеров песка и убедил врагов напасть в самый неожиданный момент.

Неужели среди своих был предатель?..

2 editions

Review of 'White Sand' on 'Goodreads'

2 stars

Underwhelming. I'm not sure a novelized version of this would have been much better but it would have avoided most of the characters being barely distinguishable from each other. Definitely doesn't deserve the extortionate price tag it seems to retail for most of the time. Think I'll be relying on Wikipedia for any plot details that are relevant to the wider cosmere story.

Review of 'White Sand' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

Great book, good plot, engaging and interesting characters. The writing style and dialogue seem a bit more funny and less serious than typical Sanderson writing. (Probably due to the graphic novel format)

Note: I don't do graphic novels, so I listened to the graphic audio version.

Review of 'White Sand' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

This is a comic adaptation of Sanderson's first novel, which was never published. If you've ever heard the Writing Excuses episode in which they critique the original, a lot has improved.

I am not sure I am fond of the drawing style. Too busy. But at least it and the characters are consistent. The actual writing in the comic ... is ok. I think one comic is not enough to form more than a preliminary opinion on this.

But even with only one installment to go on there is a giant amount of world building plus yet another Sanderson magic system. This time based on sand (big surprise that). And the plot has all the potential to be an epic ... but for now all we have is the exposition.

So here I am looking forward to seeing more of this. Until then it's a careful 4 with potential.

PS: …

Review of 'White Sand' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

This is a good opening chapter to what feels like a promising series (with or without considering its ties to the greater Cosmere universe). The ending felt abrupt, very likely because I couldn't shake some general Sanderson/Cosmere/novel expectations. I've been spoiled by reading series opening novels that stand well on their own while also laying a foundation for follow-up stories. In this medium, that seems an unfair expectation.

Looking forward to volume 2!

Review of 'White Sand' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

This is a solid graphic novel. I really like the artwork and the representation of Sand Mastery. I also enjoyed the world, but the world building does seem to suffer from the shorter format. Granted, this is Volume 1, and I don't know how many there are supposed to be. There may yet be time for better world building.

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  • Magic
  • Cosmere
  • Male protagonist
  • Planet of sand
