AJ Kerrigan wants to read Dhalgren by Samuel R. Delany

Dhalgren by Samuel R. Delany
When this richly written novel first appeared in 1974, Samuel R. Delany began to sweep up what would eventually exceed …
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When this richly written novel first appeared in 1974, Samuel R. Delany began to sweep up what would eventually exceed …
Bloodchild and Other Stories is the only collection of science fiction stories and essays written by American writer Octavia E. …
From the legendary music producer, a master at helping people connect with the wellsprings of their creativity, comes a beautifully …
Sol 2781 is the third of three full-length novels set immediately after the novelette length short story Hera 2781.
Major …
Overview: A breathtaking climax to the series told by a great storyteller.
This series is rather hard to describe - it's not a simple three act play. There are many themes and plots weaving in and out, so it is hard to say "this is a story about...", because it is about so many things. It is a story about prejudice, about societal norms, about guilt and social pressure. It has all the good points of old fashioned Science Fiction, real science and imagined situations - lots of good "what if" scenarios - yet it explores them with a truly diverse cast of believable people who you come to know and care about. These people have plenty of interpersonal drama and growth, as well as getting put in dangerous situations that are described in such amazingly written action scenes that I found myself having to remember to breathe. Perhaps the …
Overview: A breathtaking climax to the series told by a great storyteller.
This series is rather hard to describe - it's not a simple three act play. There are many themes and plots weaving in and out, so it is hard to say "this is a story about...", because it is about so many things. It is a story about prejudice, about societal norms, about guilt and social pressure. It has all the good points of old fashioned Science Fiction, real science and imagined situations - lots of good "what if" scenarios - yet it explores them with a truly diverse cast of believable people who you come to know and care about. These people have plenty of interpersonal drama and growth, as well as getting put in dangerous situations that are described in such amazingly written action scenes that I found myself having to remember to breathe. Perhaps the greatest asset (apart from the brilliant writing style that sucks you in from the first line) is the setting. The setting is so rich and detailed with fascinating hints strewn throughout - I truly believe that there is enough material touched on in this book alone to fill another 100 volumes (Tellon Blaze, Cioni's Apprentices, Jarra's grandparents, Paul who stood with Helena - just to name a few).
Janet Edwards is my favorite living author, and she just keeps getting better.
Once more, thank you Ms Edwards!
This is one of those "sense of wonder turned to 11" books for me. A great story that unfolds beautifully in the moment, and also makes you continually re-evaluate what you've read along the way.
The book's description mentions "The Ocean at the End of the Lane" and "Circe" as reference points. While those feel fair, I found myself thinking more about Patrick Rothfuss's "The Slow Regard of Silent Things" and M.R. Carey's Rampart Trilogy ("The Book of Koli", etc). There's a certain feeling I don't have the words to describe, but which feels shared among those books. "Reverence for the mundane" isn't quite it, but maybe close.
I had passed over "Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell" despite many recommendations, and now I feel compelled to revisit that!
When the prince of Enlad declares the wizards have forgotten their spells, Ged sets out to test the ancient prophecies …
From the Preface...
I have never met a person who is not interested in language. I wrote this book to …
I read this on the heels of Citadel of Weeping Pearls, and found this story to be more up my alley. Citadel had gotten me curious about the Xuya universe, but this book told a story that grabbed me more strongly. It packs a lot of nuance and richness into such a short story, and it only has me more curious to see more of what Xuya has to offer.
I've never read Dashiell Hammett's "The Thin Man", but if that's a grounded precursor to this spacefaring mystery I should! This was a fun sci-fi/noir/mystery romp with great characters (and excellent dog representation).
Early on I was noticing all the accessibility/inclusion bits more than the story itself, which certainly prompts some self-reflection. There's a certain obvious silliness in accepting an interplanetary honeymoon cruise without missing a beat, but tripping over gender-neutral titles.
Once I settled into the story I was fully engaged and could not stop reading (mostly listening actually - the narration is top notch as usual from the author).
I'm looking forward to the upcoming/teased episode of the Writing Excuses podcast in which Mary Robinette will take us deeper into this book.
Fantine is my hero. I want a cup of tea with her and Avasarala from the Expanse series.