Modern Cannibals



English language

Published Aug. 20, 2017

5 stars (1 review)

Z. Coulter's best friend Max is into some new thing called Homestuck. Like, freakily into it, and it's weirding her out. To get back on Max's wavelength, Z. engineers a road trip to a convention that Homestuck's creator, Andrew Hussie, will attend. But as they leave, a strange, permanently-smiling man begins to follow them...

1 edition

Superbly written metafanfiction

5 stars

To be honest, the first time I tried to read Modern Cannibals, I was immediately put off by the jittery and hyperactive narration of Z., the PoV character for a good chunk of the book. I'm glad I stuck with it though, because Modern Cannibals is an exemplary work of web fiction — comedic, dark, poignant, transgressive, and surreal, built around a fascinating cast of characters, and written in a deft and entertaining prose that not many fanfic authors manage.


  • Fiction
  • Fandom
  • Contemporary
  • Metafiction