Danie reviewed Dirt busters by Deon Meyer
Review of 'Dirt busters' on 'GoodReads'
5 stars
Deon Meyer is not just a crime novelist writing a good book on adventure riding. He lives the passion of being a true "dirt buster". Part 1 covers many fascination rides that can be undertaken in most Provinces of South Africa (I'm planning to work my way through them still) and Part 2 is some excellent and practical technical theory on dirt riding and choices of bikes and equipment. The whole book is born out of years of experience on an adventure bike on distant rural gravel roads.
He also provides a website address to download the routes in Garmin and Google Earth formats (essential as I noted on my recent ride there are no signposts on many of these roads (tracks).... also luxury 4x4 owners should maybe skip reading the epilogue ;-)