eBook, 420 pages

English language

Published Jan. 30, 2018 by Archipelago Press.

5 stars (5 reviews)

A moving portrayal of violence's emotional legacy in the Basque Country. Twist is tale of guilt, love, friendship, and betrayal, and of the difficulties that arise when one flees one's own skin to inhabit the minds of others.

Set in the politically charged climate of the Basque Country in the 1980s, Twist relates the disappearance and brutal murder of two ETA militants at the hands of the Spanish army. The novel centers on their friend and fellow activist Diego Lazkano, who, since revealing his comrades to the authorities, has been tormented by guilt. In Twist, Harkaitz Cano provides a multi-vocal account of a conscience and a society in turmoil.

3 editions

A powerful novel

4 stars

Twist is a powerful novel of the effects of violence within a society and how the repercussions of violent acts continue to be felt for years and decades after they take place. The first third of Twist had me especially hooked as it recounts the events Diego Lazkano witnessed, experienced and perpetrated during his involvement with an ETA militant group. Cano unravels his story from different angles so I found myself at times feeling angry towards the young Diego for what he was doing, but at other times feeling sorry for him because of the apparently random coincidences that had led to his predicament.

Later this novel expands to look more deeply into the Basque political situation during the 1980s and afterwards. It also attempts to understand and portray the works of artists and actors around this theme of violence. Cano himself, I believe, is an artist across multiple media …

Ilunak gara baina ez gaitzala zahartzaroak erokeriarik egin gabe harrapa

5 stars

Liburu honek hasiera-hasieratik harrapatu nau. Zergatik itxaron ditut hainbeste urte marabilla hau irakurtzeko? Oso ezaguna den lehen kapitulua zoragarria da, baina gainerako kapituluek apurka-apurka desagertzen ari den baina inoiz desegiten ez den lanbro batean murgiltzen zaituzte. Lazkano, Soto eta Zeberioren historiari buruzko liburua baino askoz gehiago da. Gizatasunez beteriko istorioa(k) eta literaturari, arteari, musikari egindako oparia...

Pertsonaiak akatsik gabeak dira, elkarren artean nola nahasten diren eta istorioaren egitura eta kontatzeko era ikaragarria, background politiko nabarmena, mila eta bat giza perspektiba... Harkaitz Canoren libururik onena irakurri dudalakoan nago. Oda bat adiskidetasunari, konpromisoari, umoreari, gatazkari, gezurrari, egiari...

En fin, 5 izar ematen dizkiot 100 eman ezin dizkiodalako.


5 stars

Trama oso ondo garaturik, eta zatika idatzirik, pertsonaia bakoitzaren ikuspuntu eta pentsamoldea erakutsiz. Diego Lazkano protagonistaren haria jarraitzen bada ere, beste pertsonaia askoren bizia ezagutzeko aukera ematen du,historia askoz ere mamitsuagoa izatea ahalbidetzen duelarik. Soto eta Zeberio beti daude present lehenengo kapitulu zirraragarritik hasita. Hasiera itzela da benetan. Zatikatutako trama horrek, oso ondo ixten du Euskal Herriko garai ilunen puzzlea. Hagitz gustatu zait!


  • Literary fiction
  • War fiction
  • Basque
