In the Red


4 stars (1 review)

1 edition

On the road to Carcosa

4 stars

I'm truly surprised to be the first review here. In The Red was an excellent pastiche of the 1930's Weird Tales/Cosmic Horror stories, mixing elements of Lovecraft and The King in Yellow.

A chaplain in a 1930's Civilian Conservation Corps camp is approached by a local mountain man who wants to show him an ancient paved road on his property he claims was built by the Cherokee, though the chaplain (a history buff) knows that they never built such a thing.

In The Red has all the Weird Tales ingredients: a disreputable local, a standoffish scholarly type, mysterious artifacts and a sanity-shredding revelation. As a novella, it is long enough not to feel rushed, but short enough to not wear out its welcome. Recommended.