Range of ghosts

English language

Published Nov. 8, 2012 by Tor.

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4 stars (12 reviews)

1 edition

Review of 'Range of ghosts' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

Reasons you might like this book:
- You are genuinely interested in fantastic world-building; worlds where the fantastical is part of the world in deeply original ways.
- You would like a quest narrative where three ladies and a dude go on a quest.
- You care about horses and find them interesting.

Reasons you might not like this book:
- It's a bit travelogue-y. Like if Lord of the Rings took place in fantastical Mongolia. (This might be a reason you would like the book?)
- There are chapters from the villain's point of view, which honestly I always find a drag.

This is the book where I learned something about myself: I find it genuinely upsetting when a fictional character is deceived about the effect of their actions, thinks they are helping a person but are actually harming them. This is apparently more upsetting to me than if …

Review of 'Range of ghosts' on 'Goodreads'

3 stars

This was good, light fun. The cover blurb is misleading - yes, it is (like Game of Thrones) about power in a magical land. But there is much less emphasis on power and much more on magic. Not so much as to make it traditional fantasy, but enough to make it not a substitute if that is what you're yearning for. If you're just looking for something distracting and entertaining, this is certainly worth the read.

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  • Alliances
  • Magic
  • Civil war
  • Fiction