Graham Downs reviewed Desecration by J.F. Penn (Brooke and Daniel, #1)
For fans of the weird and macabre
4 stars
I've been wanting to start this series for a long time, but I'd been working my way through ARKANE first.
Anyway... wow, that was amazing! It's dark. Oh, so dark. Much, much darker than ARKANE. But it's sort of along the same lines. Instead of the McGuffin being some supernatural artefact, it's a murder mystery, but otherwise the formula is quite similar. Which isn't a bad thing; you know what to expect. But while ARKANE would probably be suitable for teenagers to read, I wouldn't give this book to anyone under the age of, say, 15 or 16. It's gory, it's gruesome, it's (can't stress this enough) very dark, and it deals with some pretty heavy topics around the nature of life, and disability and such.
Plus, I'd never heard of John Hunter before I read this book, but now I'm determined to find out more about him. If you …
I've been wanting to start this series for a long time, but I'd been working my way through ARKANE first.
Anyway... wow, that was amazing! It's dark. Oh, so dark. Much, much darker than ARKANE. But it's sort of along the same lines. Instead of the McGuffin being some supernatural artefact, it's a murder mystery, but otherwise the formula is quite similar. Which isn't a bad thing; you know what to expect. But while ARKANE would probably be suitable for teenagers to read, I wouldn't give this book to anyone under the age of, say, 15 or 16. It's gory, it's gruesome, it's (can't stress this enough) very dark, and it deals with some pretty heavy topics around the nature of life, and disability and such.
Plus, I'd never heard of John Hunter before I read this book, but now I'm determined to find out more about him. If you love the weird and macabre, and you have a strong stomach, you'll probably enjoy Desecration.