Listen, Liberal

What Ever Happened to the Party of the People?

hardcover, 305 pages

English language

Published Sept. 5, 2016 by Henry Holt and Company.

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4 stars (10 reviews)

It is a widespread belief among liberals that if only Democrats can continue to dominate national elections, if only those awful Republicans are beaten into submission, the country will be on the right course.

But this is to fundamentally misunderstand the modern Democratic Party. Drawing on years of research and first-hand reporting, Frank points out that the Democrats have done little to advance traditional liberal goals: expanding opportunity, fighting for social justice, and ensuring that workers get a fair deal. Indeed, they have scarcely dented the free-market consensus at all. This is not for lack of opportunity: Democrats have occupied the White House for sixteen of the last twenty-four years, and yet the decline of the middle class has only accelerated. Wall Street gets its bailouts, wages keep falling, and the free-trade deals keep coming.

With his trademark sardonic wit and lacerating logic, Frank's Listen, Liberal lays bare the essence …

1 edition

Review of 'Listen, Liberal' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

I recently read a rant by a Trump supporter in which he gives the following two arguments. First, he complains that the left uses an unfair tactic of attacking the right by calling them out for not living up to their principles. It's unfair, because those principles are values. They are ideals which are aimed for and even if fallen short of remain their goals. Liberals, being essentially valueless/relativists/atheists, are immune from this kind of attack.

His second point is that Trump has this same sort of immunity but he will further rightist values. He gets away with being racist and sexist and fascist and narcissistic and a liar which frees him up to do what needs to be done. He doesn't need to prove himself worthy with principles because he already knows he is better than the left and will proceed with doing the work.

This argument exists in …

Review of 'Listen, Liberal' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

Despite the griping about liberals I've heard my whole life, I still haven't experienced a truly liberal presidential administration. I guess it's just a favorite slur of the right, mostly devoid of meaning.

Thomas Frank frequently rouses rabbles - I sometimes think that's his main goal, so I have been dismissive of his writing in the past. However, Listen, Liberal is a concise summation of how the Democratic Party abandoned the principles of leftist governing in order to win. At least, initially it seemed to be a ploy to ascend; it now seems the working class is completely absent in the core philosophy of the party.

If you're comfortable imagining the current Democratic establishment represents your best interests and would like to remain comfortable with that, this might not be the book for you. If you're conservative and would like to read about the failures of the supposedly opposition party, …