Review of 'Religion in the making.' on Goodreads
3 stars
I don't agree with basically anything in this book, but I kept thinking about it for weeks after finishing it, and that's pretty rare for a book that can be consumed in an hour or two.
Alfred North Whitehead: Religion in the making. (1926, Cambridge University Press)
English language
Published Nov. 10, 1926 by Cambridge University Press.
"Alfred North Whitehead writes in the opening chapter of Religion in the Making, "it is my purpose... to consider the type of justification which is available for belief in doctrines of religion. This is a question which in some new form challenges each generation, it's the peculiarity of religion that humanity is always shifting its attitude towards it."".
"This classic text in American philosophy by one of its foremost figures offers a concise analysis of the various factors in human nature which go toward forming a religion. It exhibits the inevitable transformation of religion with the transformation of knowledge and directs attention to the foundation of religion on our apprehension of those permanent elements by reason of which there is a stable order in the world, permanent elements apart from which there could be no changing world."--BOOK JACKET.
I don't agree with basically anything in this book, but I kept thinking about it for weeks after finishing it, and that's pretty rare for a book that can be consumed in an hour or two.