All Clear

A Novel

Paperback, 656 pages

English language

Published Oct. 25, 2011 by Spectra.

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4 stars (41 reviews)

8 editions

Review of 'All Clear' on 'Goodreads'

3 stars

I did like it better than the first book ([b:Blackout|6506307|Blackout|Connie Willis||6697901]), the whole thing is actually enjoyable, but would probably have benefited from being a tad shorter...

Review of 'All Clear' on Goodreads

4 stars

‘All Time is Irredeemable’: Why “Stable Timeline” Time-Travel Stories Don't Work For Me

Note: this is not so much a review as it is a rant about the 'stable timeline' family of time-travel theories. You have been warned. Spoilers for Blackout/All Clear follow, though they are vague structural sort of spoilers rather than detail-laden ones.

Time travel stories of the “stable timeline” variety disconcert me. You know the type - the stories where you wait for everything to fall into place, because you know every single one has been carved out carefully with sandpapered edges; “it always happened this way” stories; stories where the universe is one big self-correcting mechanism that snips away at its own inhabitants so the right things happen at exactly the times they were planned. It’s like human agency has been written out of these tales entirely - whatever you have chosen, you have always chosen; …

Review of 'All Clear' on 'Goodreads'

3 stars

Just like the first book in this series Blackout, this was fascinating. However, I don't appreciate sad stories and though that wasn't all there was to the book, this one was definitely sad. Of course I understand that that goes with the territory when you read a book about the war, but still.

Review of 'All Clear' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

The second half of "Blackout" (they really should have been published as just one book). Although the premise of the book is that time travel is not only possible, it's a commonly used historical research tool, the book isn't really about time travel itself. It's about the characters: the historians from the future researching World War II England, and the actual historical events of World War II. Willis did a lot of very detailed research for this novel and whether or not the time travel aspect interests you, this is worth reading just to appreciate the absolutely incredible heroism and sacrifices that the entire nation made in order to beat Hitler.

It was particularly interesting to me since my grandfather lived in London during the blitz and helped in the rescue teams after bombings; and I have read some of the letters my grandmother wrote to her friends in Australia …

Review of 'All Clear' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

It wasn't until about page 250 that I realized this was Part 2 of which I hadn't read Part 1. By then it was too late. Willis had gripped me, which was unfortunate because these have been busy weeks leaving little time for reading.

All Clear isn't Zany Connie. I hesitate to call it Drama Connie. Maybe Noble Connie? Sacrifice. Choice. Acceptance. Joy. This is a powerful, moving story. Her characters end up larger than life, but they didn't start that way. Was it the War? The zeitgeist? Their circumstances? Willis is roundabout in how she lets us see it, but they grow into who they are. And it works.

Review of 'All Clear' on 'Goodreads'

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This isn't a stand-alone book. You must read Blackout first. Blackout and All Clear were originally planned as one book, but it got too big and was published as 2 novels. I think it should have been cut and slashed into one book, with less repetition. It tells the story of several historian time travelers who have gone back to London during WWII to study the blitz. She has clearly done a ton of research, and you get a wonderful sense of being immersed in that world.[return]I usually adore Willis' writing, but I was bored by this novel. The various historians seemed like they were the same model: Plucky, smart, honorable, and committed. I couldn't tell them apart without hunting for a name in the dialogue. This book is 641 pages long, and a lot of that is people rushing around trying to find each other, over and over again.

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