NC reviewed Fed up by Gemma Hartley
Review of 'Fed up' on 'Goodreads'
5 stars
This is an excellent synthesis of many of the issues that make emotional labor in relationships such a fraught consideration. While I doubt this book will align perfectly with any reader's experience, this book came across as the answer to those pondering historical obliviousness who wonder "what are we missing now?" The solutions outlined couldn't possibly be universal, but this provides enough of a common language in understanding and identifying emotional labor that I would strongly recommend it to anyone who shares a life with someone. As a nonbinary person, and - before coming out - as a male-identified feminist I had hoped that ceding emotional labor could subvert the traditional male domineering role. Failing to see emotional labor for what it was has been the cause of so much frustration, misunderstanding and pain. I'm now filled with hope for a healthier more deliciously subversive future. Read this book!