Never Fade

mp3 cd

Published Oct. 15, 2013 by Brilliance Audio.

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2 stars (3 reviews)

"In the second installment of The Darkest Minds trilogy, Ruby joins forces with the revolutionary Children's League to find critical information about the epidemic that has torn both her life and America apart"--

Ruby joins forces with the revolutionary Children's League to find critical information about the epidemic that has torn both her life and America apart. The plot contains profanity, sexual situations, and graphic violence. Book #2

6 editions

reviewed Never fade by Alexandra Bracken (The Darkest Minds, #2)

Review of 'Never fade' on 'Goodreads'

3 stars

This second volume in the series ends quite abruptly and is left hanging in mid-air. Although that is probably intended, it makes for an unsatisfying pause after some 400 pages. Otherwise the tale is okay, not great. Much seems quite repetitive with the first volume. I'll finish the series but it seems weaker now than when I began book 2.

reviewed Never fade by Alexandra Bracken (The Darkest Minds, #2)

Review of 'Never fade' on 'Goodreads'

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Ob mein Interesse an Dystopien einfach abgeflaut ist oder ob es an dem Buch per se lag, dass ich gar nicht in die Geschichte reingekommen bin und auch nach über der Hälfte noch kein Interesse hatte, das Buch doch noch zu beenden, kann ich nicht genau sagen. Eventuell ist es aber auch nur die Flaute eines zweiten Bandes...
Allerdings müsste ich noch eine ungelesene Dystopie im Regal haben, die ich bald in Angriff nehmen werde, um die Frage vielleicht gleich beantworten zu können.

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4 stars