solarpsychedelic reviewed Hey Rube by Hunter S. Thompson
HST on rube nation
4 stars
Brutal observations from the doctor of journalism about sports and politics in the early 00s.
Blood Sport, the Bush Doctrine, and the Downward Spiral of Dumbness Modern History from the Sports Desk
Paperback, 272 pages
English language
Published July 26, 2005 by Simon & Schuster.
Brutal observations from the doctor of journalism about sports and politics in the early 00s.
Like my friend who let me borrow this book said, "very sports heavy." But thankfully, for me, he goes off on many tangents and different topics, as expected. And gonzo as hell. The most interesting part is probably when it gets into his columns after 9/11/2001. "The child-president" is one of the best descriptions of Bush there is. I'm surprised HST wasn't sent to Gitmo after all the things he said about Bush in this book, and extremely surprised that ESPN didn't censor the hell out of him. Here are some gems:
"The news out of Washington is getting darker and weirder by the hour. On some days it has the look of a full-bore Terrorist cell operating out of the White House basement, spewing fear and desperation on a nation of suddenly impoverished patriots."
"So I quickly reached over and gave Cromwell a sharp jolt between the shoulder blades …
Like my friend who let me borrow this book said, "very sports heavy." But thankfully, for me, he goes off on many tangents and different topics, as expected. And gonzo as hell. The most interesting part is probably when it gets into his columns after 9/11/2001. "The child-president" is one of the best descriptions of Bush there is. I'm surprised HST wasn't sent to Gitmo after all the things he said about Bush in this book, and extremely surprised that ESPN didn't censor the hell out of him. Here are some gems:
"The news out of Washington is getting darker and weirder by the hour. On some days it has the look of a full-bore Terrorist cell operating out of the White House basement, spewing fear and desperation on a nation of suddenly impoverished patriots."
"So I quickly reached over and gave Cromwell a sharp jolt between the shoulder blades with my 200,000-volt PowerMax cattle prod. And that was that. He collapsed in a coma and said nothing for 20 minutes. It might have seemed cruel and unusual, but we knew at the time that it had to be done, and he would thank us for it later."
"...not to mentioned the stunning $1,000,000,000 we are squandering every 24 hours to bomb Iraq back to the Stone Age and starve millions of helpless, unarmed, terrorized civilians to death, in the name of some hateful, ill-advised, ill-fated military Crusade on the other side of the world."
"The Bush family has already Corrupted the Presidency & the U.S. Supreme Court. Millions of Americans will never again be Confident that their vote will be counted in any election."