Review of 'Boy Who Lost Fairyland' on 'Goodreads'
2 stars
Okay, I'm going to be in the minority here and I'm fine with that. But... Enough. Enough, okay? This is mostly a completely different set of characters, but it's still more of the same. The first book in this series I thought it was really charming. The second book, more of the same, but still charming. The third book, just more of the same-y same same, but at least it ended on a bit of a hook. This one? Just... stop. Enough. I'm full. I'm done. 'Charming' is turning into 'twee' with every sentence. Or rather, with every rambling passage on how a map is like a breakfast cereal or what have you. It took me nearly a whole month to chew my way through it even though I pretty much skimmed this one from start to finish, skipping bits here and there when I didn't feel like a long …
Okay, I'm going to be in the minority here and I'm fine with that. But... Enough. Enough, okay? This is mostly a completely different set of characters, but it's still more of the same. The first book in this series I thought it was really charming. The second book, more of the same, but still charming. The third book, just more of the same-y same same, but at least it ended on a bit of a hook. This one? Just... stop. Enough. I'm full. I'm done. 'Charming' is turning into 'twee' with every sentence. Or rather, with every rambling passage on how a map is like a breakfast cereal or what have you. It took me nearly a whole month to chew my way through it even though I pretty much skimmed this one from start to finish, skipping bits here and there when I didn't feel like a long explanation on how a cup of tea is actually a forest, because in Fairyland hedgehogs make the clouds out of lemons. Or something. Yeah, I know, none of these comparisons are actually in the book, but I think it says a lot about the whole thing that, in my head, they might as well have been. And I'm not even going to mention paintings done up in wombat vomit!
Basically, what I realised was that this is a very short story indeed, and it's got an awful lot of words wrapped around it.
I've got the last book on my Kindle, but at this point I can't really see myself getting through it unless I become desperate. Or at least have a good long break with some prose that make sense first.