Liminal States

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3 stars (2 reviews)

Liminal States is a novel by Zack Parsons, published in March 2012. The story principally follows two men, Warren Groves and Gideon long, who become immortal in 1874 through a process they don't fully understand. Over the course of three sections, set in 1874, 1951 and 2006, the story follows their lives across an increasingly divergent alternate history America. As part of the build-up to the novel's release, Parsons also published a related serial, "The Reificant," following an alien's encounter with the same form of immortality.

1 edition

Review of 'Liminal States' on 'Goodreads'

2 stars

This was such a frustrating read, though most of that is because of my disconnect with the narrator. James Patrick Cronin is, I'm sure, a lovely man, but his even and unhurried pace and tone felt so at odds with the tone of the story. There were segments of the story that were written as machine-written transcripts, but JPC carried that impersonal tone throughout the novel.

Also, there was an element introduced at about the halfway mark of the book, The Type 1's, Type 2's, and Type 3's. Mr Parsons makes no obvious attempt to explain it, and I was left wondering until about the 90% mark how the hell people could tell them apart, when it finally clicked for me: The Type 1's are the Gideons, Type 2's are the Warrens, and Type 3's are the Hollys. This would have made WAAAAY more sense if I hadn't walked into …