Tomb of Sand


725 pages

English language

Published April 11, 2021 by Tilted Axis Press.

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5 stars (3 reviews)

In northern India, an 80-year-old woman slips into a deep depression at the death of her husband, then resurfaces to gain a new lease of life. Her determination to fly in the face of convention confuses her bohemian daughter, who is used to thinking of herself as the more ‘modern’ of the two. To her family’s consternation, Ma then insists on travelling to Pakistan, confronting the unresolved trauma of her teenage experiences of Partition. Despite its serious themes, Geetanjali Shree’s light touch and exuberant wordplay ensures that Tomb of Sand remains constantly playful - and utterly original.

5 editions

Review of 'Tomb of Sand' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

Nederlands (English below)

Be a believer; have faith, or you’ll rock the boat. Don’t be a prisoner of two plus two is four. Don’t be Gandhi’s three monkeys, which were actually Mizaru, Kikazaru, and Iwazaru, inhabitants of the Tosho-gu temple in Nikko, Japan. That saw no evil heard no evil spoke no evil. If only we had chosen to speak what we see and hear.

De Hindi schrijver Geetanjali Shree (1957) won vorig jaar de International Booker Prize met Tomb of Sand, haar vijfde roman. De internationale roem is volkomen terecht, niet in de laatste plaats omdat de Indische geschiedenis ook in Europa meer aandacht verdient.

Veel plot kent het boek niet. Een oude vrouw weigert na de dood van haar man nog uit bed te komen. Op enig moment loopt ze toch weg uit het huis van haar oudste zoon, waarna ze bij haar dochter terechtkomt. Ze valt, …

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  • Indo-iranian philology