This Is What Happy Looks Like

Published April 26, 2013 by Poppy Books.

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5 stars (2 reviews)

3 editions

Review of 'This Is What Happy Looks Like' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

Full review on Reader's Dialogue:

great love story in the style of The Statistical Probability of Love at First Sight!!

Graham and Ellie are both fully-developed characters, so that every decision each one of them makes seems totally natural, even the ones that pop out of thin air. Quinn and Ellie's mother are equally fleshed out, and Olivia is delightfully flat! Together, the cast of characters creates the prefect setting for this love story to happen.

The story starts with the emails, and those set the stage for a meaningful story. The emails talk about nothing, but at the same time, they're deep and thoughtful. They're a great way for both Ellie and Graham to let down their guards and really let someone get to know them. Of course, as Ellie's mother mentions, striking up a relationship with someone online is never a good idea, but …