The Beatles

all these years : Tune in

932 pages

English language

Published May 2, 2013

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5 stars (4 reviews)

Tune in, the first volume of a biographical trilogy by Beatles historian Mark Lewisohn, takes the Beatles from before their childhoods through the final hour of 1962--when, with breakthrough success just days away, they stand on the cusp of a whole new kind of fame and celebrity.This is the lesser-known Beatles story--the pre-Fab years of Liverpool and Hamburg--and in many respects the most absorbing period of them all.--From publisher description.

1 edition

Review of 'The Beatles' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

Truly magnificent. If I could give this 6 stars, I would. It's easily the best book ever written about the Beatles, and one of the three or four finest non-fiction works I've read in my long life, on any subject. Exhaustively researched, deeply detailed, yet compellingly readable. I'm hungry for Volume Two!

Review of 'The Beatles' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

Finally finished this massive tome on the early years of The Beatles, from childhood until their first 2 singles (Love Me Do and Please Please Me). Yup, nearly 1,000 pages of Beatles history and they haven't even gotten popular yet!

As you might imagine, an obsessive amount of detail is present here. And it is all scrupulously researched. Many times, he will tell a story but admit some small detail will never be known, like what songs they played at the Cavern on a particular Sunday night. Or he will say "we just don't know much about it", like when John and Paul took off for Paris for some reason, leaving George behind. Yeah, Ringo wasn't part of the scene yet. His childhood story was told though. In fact, he was very sickly as a kid and twice before he was like 13 years old, spent an entire …

Review of 'The Beatles' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

50 Jaar geleden, op 10 april 1970, werd bekend dat The Beatles uiteengevallen waren. De wereld stond op zijn kop. Ik niet, althans niet hierom. Ik was nog geen vier

In de jaren daarna werd mijn hoofd gevuld met Beatles-songs. Het waren klassiekers zonder context. Ze waren er maar deden mee niet zoveel. Toen een studievriend bijvoorbeeld vertelde dat hij een Vrij Nederland-abonnement genomen had om het geschenk, alle platen van The Beatles op cd, begreep ik er niets van. Wat moest je met die oubollige muziek?

En zo gingen de jaren verder.

Tot een jaar geleden. Een collega ging speciaal naar Antwerpen om The Analogues Abbey Road live te horen recreëren. Het riep mijn nieuwsgierigheid op. Wat miste ik? Er moest toch meer schuilen in die schijnbaar uitgekauwde nummers.

Dus begon ik te luisteren. Eerst de radioserie Get Back uit 1987. In 26 delen zet Hans Schiffers de geschiedenis …

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4 stars


  • Beatles
  • Rock musicians
  • Biography


  • England