Dead To Me

Paperback, 368 pages

English language

Published Feb. 26, 2008 by Ace.

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3 stars (5 reviews)

1 edition

Review of 'Dead To Me' on 'Goodreads'

2 stars

A potentially interesting book (which seemed vaguely as if it might be a sequel, but I couldn't find out whether or not this was the case) which ended up being disappointing.

The story is told in first person by Simon Candorous, who is an unreliable narrator: and not the literary sort of unreliable, where he tells you untrue things because he's got a secret, or is interestingly deceived, he's just the sort of unreliable which forgets to pick you up at the bus station because he thought that was yesterday, or tomorrow, and anyway, his show was on.

Simon works for the Department of Paranormal Affairs, whatever name it's being called in this book, and is new, and somewhat uncertain in his position, and his interactions with the paranormal. He's a touch-psychic, but he's not really used to foiling zombie invasions. The action begins when he and his partner find …


  • Fiction
  • Fiction - Fantasy
  • Fantasy
  • Fantasy - Epic
  • Fiction / Fantasy / Epic